God is Love Church | Columbus (OH) | Bishop Nathan
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Columbus (OH)

(Ohio) United States - US | North America
Bishop Nathan

Holy Bible | Talk to the Bishop

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Você gostou e deseja continuar lendo mais artigos ou publicações da igreja ou do Bispo? Então siga o blog do Bispo Natan. Lá contém muito mais. Deus te abençoe!

- Did you like it and want to continue reading more articles or publications from the church or the Bishop? Then follow Bishop Natan's blog. There contains much more. God bless you!

- ¿Te gustó y quieres seguir leyendo más artículos o publicaciones de la iglesia o del Obispo? Entonces sigue el blog del obispo Natan. Contiene mucho más. ¡Dios te bendiga!

- Vous l'avez aimé et souhaitez continuer à lire d'autres articles ou publications de l'Église ou de l'évêque ? Suivez ensuite le le blog de Mgr Natan. Il contient bien plus. Que Dieu vous bénisse !

- Hat es Ihnen gefallen und Sie möchten weitere Artikel oder Veröffentlichungen der Kirche oder des Bischofs lesen? Dann folgen Sie Blog von Bischof Natan. Da ist noch viel mehr drin. Gott segne dich!

- Вам понравилось и вы хотите продолжить читать статьи или публикации церкви или епископа? Затем следите за блогом епископа Натана. Там содержится гораздо больше. Да благословит вас Бог!

Talk to the Bishop
::Leave your message, greeting or prayer request. Write your Message, your name, city, country.

03/2023 - /2024 | All rights protected by copyright law. Developed by Developer Bishop Nathan. God be praised.
@03/2023 - 09/2024. Já temos 1 ano(s), 6 meses, 29 dias, 15 horas, 26 minutos e 16 segundos funcionando.
:: Glórias e Honras Eternas ao Senhor Jesus Cristo.
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